CBD & Sex

Sex can be an uncomfortable experience for some people due to chronic pain, anxiety, or inflammation. In many instances, individuals may feel the need to lubricate themselves prior to engaging in sexual behaviors, whether it be with alcohol or THC, but CBD offers a non-psychoactive alternative. Many individuals experience feelings of anxiousness during sex, whether it be due to their body image, a new partner or feelings of inadequacy. This anxiety can lead to performance issues in the bedroom and eventual withdrawal from sexual activities.

CBD oil can help. Topical CBD oils and creams can be rubbed on genitalia before sex to reduce worry and anxiety. As the genitalia are extremely absorptive areas, CBD will enter the bloodstream quickly, producing fairly immediate results. This makes dosing easy for most people.

CBD products can also be smoked, eaten or vaped prior to sex. CBD will not alter a person’s consciousness, as opposed to drinking alcohol. This will allow the consumer to remain clear-headed if they find themselves in a potentially compromising situation. 

Pain is common during sex, whether it be pain with penetration, inflammation from an infection or general dryness of sexual organs. CBD oils and creams can be very beneficial in reducing these symptoms during sex.

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